Hard for Me

Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Being still requires slowing down. Well actually stopping. In doing this a connection is established. My vision becomes clearer. I dream more. I care more. I like this feeling. Then reality sets in and I take off again. My prayer is that I stop and KNOW God more, and in doing so...show God to others.


Stan Crump said...

It is tough to be still. Pray that in the quiet margin of life I will be still and know Him.

Maria Wilson said...

Welcome to the Fellowship Family, we're glad to have you guy's! Also, welcome to the blog o'sphere, check mine out at riasrantings.blogspot.com

Maria Wilson

TryingToWalkWithHim said...

I have to tell you that I love the idea of being still and just experiencing God. I enjoyed all three of your posts. Welcome to Fellowship Church. We are very happy to have you. I am looking into posting my own blog. I will leave further comments when and if I do so. Thanks.....