In the Beginning...

My daughter asked about my wedding band tonight. I explained what it was. She then wanted to know why she wasn't at the wedding (she is three). It's kind of funny the type of conversations that really make us think about the past. Jennifer and I married in 1999 with a "plan" to wait a few years for children. I am so glad that God's plans are sometimes different than the ones we "cook up" on our own. We have three children now; Levi (6), James (4), and Jessica (3). Yes, we are outnumbered, but honestly cannot imagine life any differently than it is right now.

At this point (if you are even still reading) you may be asking yourself why blog this? What's the point? Simple. RELATIONSHIP. Some of the folks that have hit this blog don't know us at all, others may not know us well. As I continue to blog away, I'll hit you with bits and pieces from our past. It won't be as mysterious and crazy an episode of LOST, but why bother starting relationships if trust is not built up enough to get the relationship to a meaningful level. Once there is some depth, then real life issues can be faced honestly. I think this is what many people want, even if they do not admit it...(more later)

I Love Fellowship Church!!

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