
Building is an interesting process. Tools are important. Building materials are important. Design is important. Skilled labor is important. It doesn't matter if your building a structure, a business, or The Kingdom of God, certain things are important and can't be overlooked. Ever try to frame a wall with a small hammer, cheap nails, and warped 2 x 4's---trust me it is not fun. Investing in a decent hammer, better nails, and straight lumber will save time, energy, and frustration. These thoughts come to me as I try to better myself at Kingdom building (while actually building out the new Tek-Choice). I want to abide more to bear more fruit (John 15). I'm ready to be pruned, shaped, molded, etc. into what God wants me to be. If I'm a nail in the Kingdom, I want to be a sharp, strong one. If I'm a hammer, I want to be an Estwing framing hammer. If I'm an architect, I want to be Frank Lloyd Wright. I'm so glad Jesus saves!!


Middle of the next thing...

Right now, if you attend any type of non-denom/post-modern New Testament type Church that focuses on a come as you are, Worship with a new song, connect, get ministered to, minister to others, then you are in the middle of the next thing. What's next? Twenty years ago seems so traditional compared to now. Now seems like were in the middle of a GREAT moment in Church History. How will it go down? How will our new, fresh, effective, and creative ministries look in 100 years? Will momentum build? Will our awesome Children's ministries pay off eternally? Can our youth today step up tomorrow? Is there a bigger "thing" coming? Something so big that our human minds can't comprehend!! Is it possible for Churches to come together instead of splitting? Can resources be pooled in a fashion that the Kingdom benefits exponentially? Imagine Churches with like vision actually teaming up!! It is greatly encouraging to see anointed visionaries like Ron Carpenter and Steven Furtick actually hooking up. How awesome is our Lord and Savior?? More awesome than my pathetic brain can imagine!! God is working actively through his Church...Keep up the Faith...I Love you ALL!


Go Furtick!!

I really hate to post Steve Furticks entire post here, but it ROCKS. Thanks Steve!!
Hit the original here: http://www.stevenfurtick.com/uncategorized/getting-fed/ and add him to your list of fine blogs to read!!

Proverbs 26:15The sluggard buries his hand in the dish;He is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth.
What a great picture of nominal, noncommittal church attendees!We all know that one of top 3 reasons people leave churches is the (infamous) claim:“I wasn’t getting fed there.”Maybe you weren’t.Or maybe the church set the table, presented the bread of life, and you were too stinking lazy to bring it back to your mouth, chew it, swallow, and digest it, like a big boy.You know, I don’t mind helping my 2 year old eat his Easy Mac. But if he can’t pick up a fork and bring the food to his mouth by age 20, we have a problem.Churches are filled with those who have known Christ for decades, and still need a bib, a high chair, and want Daddy to do “open wide, here comes the airplane” tricks with the fork before shoving it into their mouths.
I try to serve up the Word, hot and fresh every single Sunday.But if you refuse to apply it, study your Bible and pray some during the week, join a small group and dig deeper with others…If you refuse to bring it back to your mouth, I can’t help you.
Get your own fork, and learn to feed yourself. Stop burying your hand in the dish and spitting out every thing that doesn’t give you a spiritual sugar high.Eat some vegetables. Serve. Pray. Practically apply the Bible to your life.
And I’ll keep cooking…