Here is a definition from Webster for sticktoitiveness...

Main Entry: sticktoitiveness
Part of Speech: n
Definition: dogged perseverance; resolute tenacity; also written stick-to-it-ive-ness

It is a word.For me, it is one of the most ridiculously hard things to do...not necessarily sticking with something, but knowing when to stick and when to quit.

Check james 1:12...
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

I heard a GREAT message this morning at Lifepoint in Gainesville, GA--It really hit home for me. Simple. To the point. Easy. Yet easy to miss. The Pastor was talking about what to do when we get to a fork in the road...you know--decision making. He used the analogy of an extension cord being all tangled up. He basically said that we can't untangle it all at once...we need to look at one knot at a time (or else we will lose hope). One step at a time...BE IN THE WORD (our map)...BE IN PRAYER(communication/relationship)...FAST, and be READY for what God has.

My spin: You can't possibly know if you are making the correct decision unless you are doing the steps...faithfully---THEN God will really reveal things to you that you would NEVER EVER expect.

I am making a 30 day commitment to my wife and family as we pray through some "forks" in our road. My prayer now is for my family to breathe together as one.

Thanks for reading my longer than average post (of which I only typed 1/99th of what ran through my head...Good night!!

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