Emergent Church

The following is from a Christianity Today article back in'07:

It is said that emerging Christians confess their faith like mainliners—meaning they say things publicly they don't really believe. They drink like Southern Baptists—meaning, to adapt some words from Mark Twain, they are teetotalers when it is judicious. They talk like Catholics—meaning they cuss and use naughty words. They evangelize and theologize like the Reformed—meaning they rarely evangelize, yet theologize all the time. They worship like charismatics—meaning with their whole bodies, some parts tattooed. They vote like Episcopalians—meaning they eat, drink, and sleep on their left side. And, they deny the truth—meaning they've got a latte-soaked copy of Derrida in their smoke- and beer-stained backpacks.
Along with unfair stereotypes of other traditions, such are the urban legends surrounding the emerging church—one of the most controversial and misunderstood movements today. As a theologian, I have studied the movement and interacted with its key leaders for years—even more, I happily consider myself part of this movement or "conversation." As an evangelical, I've had my concerns, but overall I think what emerging Christians bring to the table is vital for the overall health of the church.

Link to the whole thing here: http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2007/february/11.35.html


Staying Put

The decision is made. I am resting in it for 24 hours. It is unusual for me to hold off on something that looks promising, but we have concluded that this is the best thing for now. Thanks for praying. On to Church: Can anyone fille me in on their view of the "emergent" or "emerging" Church. I found this on wiki: {“Emergent” is a loosely knit group of people in conversation about and trying experiments in forwarding the ministry of Jesus in new and different ways, as the people of God in a post-Christian context. From there, wide diversity abounds. “Emergents” seem to share one common trait: disillusionment with the organized, institutional church as it has existed through the 20th century (whether fundamentalist, liberal, megachurch, or tall-steeple liturgical). Its strengths: creative, energetic, youthful, authentic, highly relational. Its weaknesses: somewhat cynical, disorganized, sometimes reckless (even in the theological ideas willing to be entertained), immature}

Read the wiki here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerging_church

More on this later...after I "study" :)



Even if you don't know me, lift up a Prayer. I am in decision mode...it is a biggie for my family. What to Pray for: 1. me to thoroughly gather facts 2. me to negotiate without confusion 3. me to have patience, and be at peace.............THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!



A few months back Jennifer prepared a meal that required cornbread. She pulled out my favorite Jiffy mix cornbread mix (you know, the one that taste like yellow cake). She fixed in a square pan, and cut it into squares. Our kids (7,5, and 4 at the time) proceeded to sing the yucky, yucky we don't like it song. We had them try it. They proceeded to sing the second verse. Fine. A few nights later, another meal called for the proverbial cornbread. Jennifer pulled out the SAME Jiffy mix. She prepared it this time in "muffin" papers (like a cupcake). We refered to these as "dinner muffins" and they loved them!! No yucky song, only second helpings. Same stuff, different presentation. Nothing really changed with the content of what they were eating. The delivery was different. As Christ followers, we are entrusted with the ultimate message. Our job is not to simply spread it around like cheap perfume. Our mission is to spread the Gospel in a useful, real, tangible, and understandable way. My goal is to work more on myself, and my presentation of the Gospel, so that non-believers won't sing the yucky song when I present the Gospel to them. Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!


Winding down...

We went to Lake Yonah again this afternoon. Creation is a beautiful. God is AWESOME. As we swam (and jumped off of really cool rocks), I decided to continue a trend I started a few months back. RELAX. Enjoy God more. Do less, but make it effective. Say no sometimes. Get more intentional about certain priorities. Family FIRST (with Jesus firmly in the center). I really think that taking one person who is in your circle of influence and leading them to Christ, and THEN helping disciple them is far more effective than mentioning salvation to a handful of strangers. No more shotgun evangelism for me. I need to focus in and be more specific.

Next time I will blog about "the PRESENTATION"...hope this finds everyone well...c-ya.


Truck Picture, River Picture

The only good thing about the crazy silly gas prices is the fact that dealerships are almost giving away trucks w/ big engines (5.7L HEMI). We have enjoyed the versatility this gives. (Now I need a camper :)...)


3 Months, Pain, Pleasure

It has been three months since my last post...sorry...no great excuse, just family family family. Mostly good (except for the pain part). Levi has had three months of doctor visits, surgeries, ER visits, and plain sour luck. It started with numerous ear infections, and ended with complications from his adnoid surgery landing him in the ER and losing 4 quarts of blood (he was 7 at this point...this is bad). He just had another sinus surgery on the 8th. It went well, he seems to be recovering OK, but complained tonight about his ears hurting???? Exahsting.
That explained the pains...now the pleasure. I bought an antique boat. It is a 1958 Glasspar Avalon. It was priced very low, and surprisingly runs very well. The kids love it. I love it. Jennifer wants a pontoon boat...
Church is GREAT!!! I am really diggin' Pastor Kevin Mangum. I am filling in on the praise team playing bass...really great to integrate in Worship again on Sunday A.M. Perhaps I'll blog again soon with somrthing a bit meatier...enjoy the pics!!!!