So happy!!

As a newcomer to Fellowship, I feel I just need to brag on the warm exciting atmosphere that is created by the body. Amazing. Inspiring. Keep up the good work, I am so happy to be a part of something that will be much bigger than one vision can contain. Lost people will feel welcome here, not condemned. Lives will be restored and built up. The "one" that the NT speaks of in Matthew 18:12 ("What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?) will be found and nurtured back to health!!

I'm pleasantly surprised, thanks for reading these post!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Larry. It's great to have you with us. My name is Madeline Ingram. I play the french horn on Sunday mornings with the Praise band. Please introduce yourself if you can catch me. If I have already met you, please excuse me as I am absolutely horrible with names. I am very excited about current and future happenings at Fellowship Church. My personal goal is to grow in my walk with God while being able to touch others around me.

Shawn Manley said...

Hey, found your blog refreshing to read! Thanks, it's nice to read something without having to overt my eyes, lol! Also, I grew up there in clarkesville. Graduated from Habersham Central! Thats neat.